Saturday 12 September 2015

End of trip and back to the warmth

I think I have missed a day this week. My mind is saying today is Saturday, not Friday!!

What a week it has been. From travelling to Bradford on Sunday evening, to attending many lectures and talk and networking with a variety of professionals within the world of science and technology.

My mind is overloaded with the amount of knowledge and information gained from these past few days and is now the matter of fact to download what I have taken in into somewhere... My experience in Bradford has been good and thoroughly enjoyed it very much. Going to the British Science Festival was something that I was very much looking forward to for weeks. The excitement and build up of the whole process has given me mixed emotions of expectations. Signing up to sessions prior the event also help me to plan each day. Even though there has been sessions which happened at the same time that I would have loved to attend, I did not regret on the ones I chose in the end.

The just over 5 hour journey back to the warmth in London was an interesting one. I was glad that I was walking downhill to the station from the campus unlike Sunday when I was dragging my luggage up a hill to the University of Bradford. It was definitely a much more enjoyable walk. Because I was travelling during the daytime, I got to see the sights of "city" much more. It was definitely smaller to what I was used to in London. It was less busy and people seems to enjoy their time in the surroundings more compared to the buzzling and the non stop environment of London.

The journey back gave me time to reflect on what has happened on this past few days and of course, carried on blogging as usual...

Walking so much this past week wherever I go has been a change of living. (I soon got use to the amount of hills there were) It was much more sustainable, like the mission of the University of Bradford, being green in everything. I would definitely miss my time walking everywhere and rushing from one room to another! Plus, don't need to worry so much about bumping into other people every second when walking around. Don't think I would be able to walk like that in London. Oh yes, it was also good to have that breathe of "fresh air" every morning as I walked out of my accommodation. It reminds me of just how "out of the capital" Bradford is. As much as I have loved my time during this week, I still miss the capital. In terms of accessibility to everywhere, London wins on having everything so accessible, such as transport.